Monday, October 31, 2011

Assessment of Learning

My students' level of success in achieving the lesson goals is indicated by the way they successfully created a survey and transferred their data to a bar graph in Kidspiration. The students constructed effective survey questions that allowed a variety of answers without having too many variables that would make it nearly impossible to organize. Then, the students tallied their data, which indicated good organizational skills, and labeled their bar graphs so that I knew what the data meant.

I think that I mostly did well teaching the lesson, except for the glitches with the Smartboard. If I knew how to use it more efficiently, I think my lesson would have run more smoothly. The comments from my classmates support this because they gave me high scores on my rubric, but also said that I should learn how to use the Smartboard more efficiently to enhance the lesson. Another classmate said that I should have also had the tabs for my website examples ready to go, rather than me typing them in a search engine as I needed them and making the students wait. Finally, a classmate said that I explained how to use the Kidspiration program, but could have spent a little more time demonstrating how to use it. All of this feedback was very helpful and will be a great guide for improving my next lesson plan.

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